
Friday Apr 28, 2023
It’s A House Party at VO Atlanta 2023!
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
The Party was SLAMMIN' at VO Atlanta this year! Not only was it filled with great company but overflowing with so much POWERFUL KNOWLEDGE from some of the BEST VO coaches and actors in all of the land! The energy is high, the people are one-of-a-kind and the chit-chats are pure gold! So, if you're ready to have some fun and gain some knowledge from this epic party, we are excited to share this moment in time with you, right here on The Middle Class VO Podcast!
Mary Lynn Wissner: https://www.voicesvoicecasting.com/
Dave Walsh: https://www.walshvoiceovercoaching.com/
Scott Parkin: https://www.instagram.com/scottparkinactor/?hl=en
Brad Hyland: https://www.americanvoicepower.com/
Tim Friedlander: https://www.timfriedlandervo.com/
**Jas Patrick: https://jaspatrick.com/**
Bev Standing: https://www.bevstanding.com/
Scott Brick: https://scottbrick.com/
Steve Henderson: https://goodpipesvo.com/
Suzanne Freeman: https://www.suzannefreemanvoice.com/
Christi Bowen: https://www.christibowen.com/
Rob Reed: https://www.robreedvo.com/
Brigid Reale: https://www.realevoices.com/
Chris Brown
Bobbi Maxwell: https://www.bobbimaxwell.com/
Kevin Kilpatrick: https://kevinkilpatrick.com/
National Association of Voice Actors: https://navavoices.org/
Gravy For The Brain: https://usa.gravyforthebrain.com/
TN Voiceover Studios: https://www.tnvoiceoverstudios.com/