
Friday Feb 16, 2024
VO Tech Talk
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Listen... Although your performance should always be front and center of everything you do as a voiceover talent, you also have to make sure your audio is spot on in this industry! Building a solid foundation in your home recording studio is key to making sure your clients are always happy with the quality of audio you deliver, which is extremely important. You can be a top-notch VO Talent, but without good audio it is hard to compete in this business. Which is why we thought it was time to have a much needed VO Tech-Talk with one of the best audio guys in the industry - Emmet Andrews! So if you're serious about upping your "audio" game in this industry, then this is one episode you CAN'T AFFORD to miss! Because with 27 years in the business, Emmet knows a thing or two about ensuring your audio is ALWAYS ready for your clients!
Also, if you're ready to ramp up your home recording studio, don't forget to grab your copy of Emmet's VO Studio Companion: The Home Voiceover Recording Instruction Manual on Amazon! ****Whether you are a seasoned Voice Talent or just starting out in this industry, this easy-to-follow manual will make sure your studio is ready to deliver only the best sounding voiceover recordings! Acoustics, microphones, processing, noise, delivery, and everything in between, VO Studio Companion can help you understand the technical aspects of your career on a deeper level.
Still need some audio help? Emmet's got your Voice! You can contact Emmet directly to review your audio. Just go to the "For Voice Actors" page on his website: www.emmettsvoice.com/for-voice-actors to grab your FREE online consultation! BONUS - You can also hear some of Emmet's mad VO skills on his website too! Go see for yourself what this super awesome VO Actor, Producer, Script Writer, Studio Technician, Self-proclaimed "Noise Geek" and Author has to offer!
This episode of The Making Wavs VO Podcast was brought to you by: Full Compass Systems! www.fullcompass.com. NEWS ALERT!!!! Full Compass Systems will be at VO Atlanta 2024 and they are bringing the heat, so be sure to stop by their booth to say hello! If you haven't grabbed your ticket yet for VO Atlanta 2024, there's still time! Get it now at: www.voatlanta.me/voa2024 - we can't wait to see you there! As always, thanks for listening and we'll see you next time!